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NewsmanSMTP API » NewsmanSMTP API 1.0 » Email

NewsmanSMTP API Listing


Method Description
history Returns history for this email in the same format as the account.history.
sending_best Returns the sending best hour and day of week for an email.
Return format is a dictionary with keys: “hour”, “weekday”, “details”

“hour” is from 0 to 23.
“weekday” is from 0 to 6 (0 for Monday, 6 for Sunday)

sending_best_by_weekday Returns the sending best hour for each week day for an email.

“hour” is from 0 to 23.
“weekday” is from 0 to 6 (0 for Monday, 6 for Sunday)

bad_status Return data about number of spam, unsub, bounce, hardbounce for this user for all accounts or just specific account.
Ex: {‘unsub’: 0, ‘hardbounce’: 0, ‘bounce’: 2, ‘spam’: 0}
remove_bad_status Deletes the bad status data for an email for a specific account or for all accounts if account_id is not specified.
add_bad_status Ads a bad status of type: “bad_type” to the bademail collection